Karate Combat

The innovative combat sport contracted Momental to design a collectible worth holding onto.
Karate Combat
Karate Combat
6 Weeks

Letting fans raise the stakes.

Karate Combat was launching their first NFT, and gave fans the option to burn it in return for official merchandise.

Make the first strike count

To make the debut special, Momental contributed extensive design thinking into the format of the design and how the active and redeemed states would impact the experience.


Entice the eye of the holder

The NFT program was distributed via DAO Maker and could be redeemed for an exclusive pack of KC merchandise. We set an internal goal of making the collectible so slick that fans didn't want to redeem it and change it to the redeem state.


A modern combat collectible

The final piece was a perfect blend of fact and fiction, the iconic KC pit was enhanced into a trophy-like shrine, encasing two fighters prepped for combat with pyrotechnics to spice things up. The redeem state depicts a hollow, barren scene, as if the goods went through a smash and grab.

Enter the new
consumer economy.